New Homes, Extensions and Alterations
New Homes, Extensions and Alterations


Professional planning, management and support for all the phases of your building project. The following is an extract from our service portfolio.



  • Project scoping and feasability
  • Design Team Management - Briefing and commissioning other members of the extended desitgn team such as...
  1. Structural Engineers
  2. Ground Contamination specialists
  3. Tree Consultants
  4. Ecology Consultants
  5. Highway Engineers
  • Planning Design Drawings
  • Planning Applications
  1. Pre-application submissions
  2. Outline Applications
  3. Full Applications
  4. Listed Building Applications
  5. Conservation Area Consents
  6. Prior Notifications
  7. Certificates of Lawful Use
  8. Retrospective Applications
  • Detailed Design Drawings and
    1. Beam calcs
    2. U-value Calcs
    3. Heat Loss calcs
  • Building Regulations applications
  1. Local Authority
  2. Independant Building Control
  • Project development, phasing and coordination
  • Valuation of developed and undeveloped plots of land

Building Projects

  • Domestic Extensions and Alterations
    1. Extensions
    2. Internal alterations
    3. Loft conversions
    4. Garage Conversions to habitable rooms
    5. Garages
    6. Garden Buildings
  • Construction of new flats and houses
  • New and alterations to Commercial and Industrial buildings
  • Barn Conversions, Redevelopment and Change of Use
  • Remedial maintenance and preservation of historical buildings
  • Location selection and development consultancy


If you would like to discuss your particular project with us:

Call us on (01858) 432901

Contact us

MWS Design
48a Northampton Road
Market Harborough

LE16 9HE


Tel: (01858) 432901



Alternatively please use our contact form.

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